Sea3 – The most complete carbon based product on the market

Eliminate Worm Casts with Sea3

Did you know that ocean water is the perfect fertilizer? Find the importance in using the power of seawater to grow more resilient plants this summer. Dive in and learn all about Sea3! Sea3 is a unique carbon-based liquid soil amendment formulated from three distinctive sea based nutrient sources: fish meal, kelp meal, and sea…

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Harsh Soil Environments – Humic Substances are the Perfect Buffer

Harsh Soil Environments - Humic Substances are the Perfect Buffer

Do you know what a humic acid is? Chemically it is not an acid at all, we refer to them as humic substances. The Humic Product Trade Association (HPTA) is an organization of scientists dedicated to protecting consumers by qualifying their members’ claims when using humic substances in a fertility product. EarthWorks has been a proud member of the HPTA since…

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Grow Roots Now! Apply this key nutrient in the fall

Grow Roots Now - Apply this key nutrient in the fall

The leaves are starting to turn colors! Just like the squirrel gathering acorns, growers are preparing their plants for winter. The key question: How can I prepare the plants for winter both economically and agronomically? The answer of course: Grow a deep and strong root system that will sustain the plant throughout its all-consuming push…

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Talking Carbon Since 1988

Lawrence Mayhew - The Carbon Discussion

Carbon has become the most overused word in the turf industry. It is hard to have a meeting with any fertilizer salesperson without hearing about carbon.  But does the industry really understand why we use carbon in turf management programs, and are all carbon sources the same?  We use carbon-based fertilizers for one sole reason…

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Earth Day 2022

Earth Day 2022

Here’s hoping that everyone has some beautiful spring sunshine today on Earth Day 2022. What a joy it would be for all to witness, in person, the miracle that is responsible for all life on earth: Photosynthesis. It is the life-giving marriage of our celestial energy provider, the sun, with the terrestrial nectar that is…

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