Organic Based, Carbon Rich Fertilizers for All Turf, Plants and Soil.
EarthWorks has manufactured organic based, carbon rich fertilizers since 1988.
EarthWorks manufactures granular and liquid organic based, carbon rich fertilizers for golf courses, sports turf, lawns, landscapes, and gardens. Our products have been used throughout the United States and abroad by:
- Top golf courses
- Professional sports fields
- University campuses
- Well known parks, recreational areas and municipalities
- Organic based lawn care operators
- Home lawns, gardens and landscapes
EarthWorks products have been a leader with many lawn care companies, landscape installations, and maintenance companies since 1988.
Our programs help to balance the chemistry and feed the soil resulting in increased nutrient mobility and improved plant health. For you this means reduced inputs and improved cost predictability. For your community, it means a legacy of beautiful, natural green spaces and playing surfaces.
We promote a Deeper Respect for the soil, the landscape, our friends and clients. That respect goes deeper than any fertilizer.
The EW Blog

Simple, Powerful Programs for Success
Whether you’re preparing for aerification or enhancing your soil’s microbial activity, our specialized products are designed to help your turf flourish. From tees to greens, these trusted solutions deliver the support your turf needs to thrive. Myco Replenish & Renovate Plus Aerification Program for Growth and Recovery Perfect for enhancing recovery after aerification, these products…
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Books To Read
Earthworks was built in 1988 on the concept of providing significant information on Carbon Based Fertilizers to our clients. The more information we provide the more success we’ve seen in the field from superintendents of all agronomic levels. In 2013, our Logan Labs Agronomist, Bill McKibben published what I think is one of the quintessential books on the subject…
Our Customer Stories
"I believe with today’s environmental issues, it is everyone’s social responsibility to act as a steward, and for a decade EarthWorks has given me peace of mind knowing I am doing my part. However Earthworks products are not just good for the environment, they offer slow release nourishment to the soil that produces excellent looking turf, flowers and shrubs. My annual soil testing with Soil First has helped me reach my goals for optimal soils to establish sand based sports fields and lawns."
Kevin Mercer
Grounds Manager
Denison University
“Looking at the Before & After I know it’s hard to believe there’s only 5 days between pics. Needless to say EarthWorks became the backbone of our Landscape Program.”
Stan Rutkowski
J & S Lawnmen
“I use the 555 program exactly as it’s written, those three products at those rates every two weeks. It really doesn’t seem to matter what the weather is, dry, wet, hot, my greens stay consistent. A lot of people come in here and compliment my greens, I have to tell them, it’s EarthWorks.”
Bob Patrick
Avalon G&CC Squaw Creek Course
“The results are extraordinary. I spread the word to everyone I can, my farmer friends, other landscapers. When we started using 3-4-3 we did a side-by-side comparison w/ the 14-14-14 we had been using. Not only did the turf establish weeks faster, the stand was far denser, and greener with the EarthWorks compared to the 14-14-14. It’s not even in the same ballpark!”
Eric’s Landscaping
“In the past I had applied synthetic fertilizers in the spring but got too much growth and we couldn’t up. The fall application of Replenish allowed the plants to get early color in the spring, built better rooting and didn’t push growth. We are able to keep up with mowing and the course played better. The plants and soil have reserves to make it through the heat of the summer.”
Ryan O’Connor
Watchung Valley CC
“When the leaves start to turn color is the time I start my fall drench of Sea3. The fall is my foundation application but I do this drench throughout the season depending on the health of the tree. I use this application not only for recovery but also for maintenance of important landscapes. I never miss the fall application because I know the timing of storing all the carbohydrates and nutrients from Sea3 into the root system is so important to help to get a strong leaf-out in the spring.”
Bobby Solar
Solar’s Tree Care