Soil First Academy
The EarthWorks Soil First Academy is a 4-hour GCSAA accredited soils class that dives deep into the agronomic subjects of soil chemistry, physics and biology. The class is taught by EarthWorks founder Joel Simmons and is a condensed version of the program he taught for 10 years at the Turf Management program at Rutgers University. Joel’s dynamic teaching style takes a very difficult subject and makes it understandable and even “entertaining!”
During the class we will fully analyze the Logan Labs soil tests including water soluble paste extracts and water testing. Once you understand not only basic fertility issues, but also the soils physical and biological properties, real solutions are created.
Please keep an eye out for when the Soil First Academy will be in your area, or ask your distributor representative for more information.
“I’ve been a superintendent for 34 years and this is one of the best seminars I have ever attended. The practical application of the material we covered has been invaluable to me as a superintendent.” — Twin Cities, MN
“I’ve been looking at soil tests for years and I never felt confident enough to interpret them. Now I can understand and set up my fertility programs based on my soil tests with confidence.” — Sacramento, CA