Total Turf Program
Replenish Granular Fertilizer & Sea3 Liquid Foliars+
- Ideal for golf course fairways and roughs
- Perfect for sports fields
- Great fertility program for schools and parks
- “Go To” program for professional lawn care
The industry’s easiest and most cost-effective fertility and recovery program, for large turf areas, is the Total Turf Program from EarthWorks.
- Builds soils and feeds plants to provide great color and quick plant recovery.
- Increases water holding capacity and feeds microbes to help plant roots move deeper into the soil where they can release tied up plant nutrients.
On large areas of turf two fertility products may be all you need. A Replenish fertilizer and the Foliars+ Sea3.
- The Replenish fertilizers give you great flexibility, depending on your needs. At a rate of ½ pound of nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. from a Replenish fertilizer, (8-2-2, 5-4-5, 10-2-5 or 3-4-3) you will build a carbon base in your soil that will provide a slow-release fertility response, create long term water holding capabilities, feed microbes to help better mobilize nutrients, and keep great color well into the fall and again early in the spring.
- Adding Sea3 to the spray tank at a rate of 1 gallon per acre per month will help to support plant vigor, keep color through tough growing conditions, and can help to keep worm castings at bay.
Total Turf - Do More With Less!
Replenish Fertilizer - ½ pound N per 1000 sq ft. 2-4 x per season
Sea3 - 1 gallon per acre every month during the growing season
Cost effective • Strong Recovery • Deep Roots • Simple to Apply • Great Color • Fewer Earthworm Castings