Aerification and Construction

EarthWorks Ecolite for Aerification and Recovery

Aerifying in the spring allows oxygen, the most important nutrient in all of turf management, to get deep into the root zone. This is the best time to provide sustainable minerals to the plant allowing them to feed all year long. By adding carbon, you can stimulate microbiology. The growing season is the time the plant takes out as many nutrients from…

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Sea3 – The most complete carbon based product on the market

Eliminate Worm Casts with Sea3

Did you know that ocean water is the perfect fertilizer? Find the importance in using the power of seawater to grow more resilient plants this summer. Dive in and learn all about Sea3! Sea3 is a unique carbon-based liquid soil amendment formulated from three distinctive sea based nutrient sources: fish meal, kelp meal, and sea…

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