WOW! What year is it?

Wait, when did they invent the internet???  I feel like I’ve been taking a 15 year cyber nap!!!  OK, the EW website hasn’t been updated for a while but I promise we will keep this one at least in the twentieth century!

Many thanks to my friend Peter McCormick of TurfNet fame who had to shake me silly, waking me up to the wonderful new E world.  Now I know how Alice felt after falling through the Looking Glass! To our many loyal friends thank you for checking out our new site and for those of you new to EW we’ve been doing what we do since 1988 and our team is exceptional.

We help turf managers discover an easier way of doing business by developing carbon-based products that feed the soil so that the soil does most of the work.

EarthWorks fixes problems.  We help turf managers discover an easier way of doing business by developing carbon-based products that feed the soil so that the soil does most of the work.  We run thousands of soil tests anually for clients mostly on golf courses and sports fields, with a focus on balancing their soils profile to help open it up physically allowing more air and water to move through.  This allows microbial activity to work better, it allows our products to work better and it allows problems to go away and reduces inputs.  When we say we “Balance the Chemistry and Feed the Soil” it is what we’ve done for over  20 years and IT WORKS!!!

When we say we “Balance the Chemistry and Feed the Soil” it is what we’ve done for over  20 years and IT WORKS!!!

This site will provide you all the basic EarthWorks information that you may need.  We are excited to show you pictures and often a few thoughts from our clients and their properties.   I will share with everyone articles that I have written over the years or ones that we feel can be important.  Our product information is all here and any pertinent EW information that you may need as well. You can jump to our Face Book page and see what’s going on there, but it’s this blog that I’m most excited about.

For those of you who know me or have been to one of our Soil First Academies know, I have a hard time keeping my words short!  But, I will try my best here as I talk about the importance and mysteries of soil biology.  I’ll share soil testing stories and try to take the confusion out of soil science.  I’ll let you know where we are going to be and any new ideas that we come across.

Since it’s my blog you may read some of my passions and frustrations like why a select few in this industry think those of you who have been tremendously successful using the base saturation tool are doing things all wrong!!!  Let me know your thoughts on the blog, ask questions, challenge us, share your successes and struggles, let us know your thoughts on this site, this company, this industry.   I can’t tell you how frightened I am of being stuck in cyber space all alone!

Thanks, and welcome to the new site.

Joel Simmons