Thank you for visiting us at the GIS 2025 Trade Show!
For over 36 years, EarthWorks has been helping golf course superintendents discover the value of carbon based fertility while promoting the leading agronomic concepts of Biological Soil Management.
EarthWorks manufactures a full line of Replenish granular carbon based fertilizers and a complex liquid line of Foliars+ sprayable soil and plant fertilizers.

Replenish Dry Fertilizers
The Replenish granular fertilizers make everything in your fertility program work better. A volume of carbon feeds the microbes and the plant, and balances the C:N ratio.

Foliars+ Liquid Fertilizers
The Foliars+ liquid fertilizers powered by BioCharge round out the volume of carbon added to the soil. The nutrients get into the plant quickly, feed microbes, and speed up nutrient uptake.
EarthWorks Programs
Below are the EarthWorks most successful and loyal programs used by professionals. Please check the programs tab in our navigation for a complete list of programs.
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Joel Simmons

Kirk Castner

Jack Higgins

Kevin Hicks

Marshall Evans