8-2-2 Fairway Program
Carbon Based Fertility
Cost effective way to keep fairways strong all season long
Building healthy soils and healthy plants starts with carbon. One of the best and most cost effective ways to approach this is to apply Replenish 8-2-2 organic fertilizer.
Applications of ½ pound of nitrogen in the spring helps with spring green up and allows for strong growth going into the stressful
summer months. In late summer another ½ pound of nitrogen allows for aggressive summer recovery, feeding both the soil and soil microbial populations and getting ready for a strong fall season. The last application of ½ pound of nitrogen may be the most important the winter feed. Putting
down carbon along with ammonium sulfate in the late fall months builds the soil and helps to store carbohydrates in the plant.
Having a carbon based fertility program allows the superintendent to reduce the overall nitrogen usage on the fairways. Replenish 8-2-2 is a powerful combination of non pasteurized bio active carbon and mineral rich composted poultry liter along with ammonium sulfate. The bio-active compost provides carbon to the soil and allows nitrogen to go through nitrification much more efficiently.
Ammonium sulfate is a great way to warm up a cold soil in the spring, provide recovery in late summer and can help to release soluble calcium that becomes available to the plant.
Combine the 8-2-2 Program with Sea 3
Sea 3 is a proven bio-stimulant with some very unique attributes including de-salinated sea water, worm tea extracts, micronized humic acids and fish and kelp meals. This combination used monthly at low rates has been showing great stress reduction, good color and strong vigor on golf course fairways. A very cost effective way to keep turf strong through the heat of the summer, and assure quick recovery when the summer stress ends.